In case you are unfamiliar with the term – EMOM stands for “Every minute on the minute” and, along with the AMRAPs, is a staple type of workout you will see in the programming of every CrossFit box.
The following 20 EMOM workouts to test your strength and conditioning will give you a first impression.
The EMOM concept
The concept is pretty straightforward – EMOMs can have different durations, usually ranging anywhere from 5 to 30 minutes.
For every scheduled minute of it, you perform the same given set of exercises until the workout is over.
If, for example, you finish with the execution of the movements by the 30th second, you then have the remaining 30 seconds to rest.
At the beginning of the new minute, you repeat the same exercises, and so on, until the workout is over.
You should always strive to have at least 15 to 10 seconds of rest until the start of the following minute.
Example of an EMOM workout for beginners:

Why do EMOM Workouts?
EMOMs are incredibly versatile and can be designed to focus on every different aspect of your fitness.
Doesn’t matter if you want to improve your strength, conditioning, mental toughness, or coordination, there is, for sure, an EMOM out there to target your desires.
And don’t be intimidated, in case you are just a beginner!
Another benefit of the EMOM workouts is that, like the AMRAP workouts, they can be scaled to the fitness level of everyone.
All you need is a running timer, a little motivation, and possibly some equipment to be able to tackle some EMOM workouts with dumbbells or kettlebells (although there are tons of bodyweight EMOM workouts that you can do just about everywhere).
For me, EMOMs are a good way to improve my sense of pacing during a workout.
I am often guilty of going way too fast at the beginning of a workout, and then crashing down by the end of it.
To perform an EMOM, you must be constantly aware of your timing.
It forces you to put time and your energy resources in the same equation, and for me that makes you a better athlete.
So, without further ado, I present to you the list of my current.
Video Example of an EMOM workout
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Best EMOM workouts to test your strength and conditioning
20 min EMOM:
Even min: 12/15 cal row
Odd min: 15 Kettlebell swings 12kg/16kg
20 min EMOM:
Even min: 12/15 cal row
Odd min: 15 burpees
Related to the EMOM workouts to test your strength and conditioning:
Simple and spicy 15 min AMRAP Workout
20 min EMOM:
8 Wallballs
8 Burpees
12 min EMOM:
7 Kettlebell swings
5 Burpees
30 min EMOM:
5 Box jumps
5 Thrusters (55lbs/20kg)
5 Kettlebell swings
10 min EMOM:
Odd min: 15 GHD sit-ups ( or scale to normal weighted sit-ups)
Even min: 30 to 50 Double-under ( or 60 single-under)
16 min EMOM:
Min 1: 10 Front Squats at 95lbs/45kg
Min 2: 15 Toes to Bar
Min 3: 20 Wallballs 14lbs/6kg
Min 4: Rest
10 min EMOM:
2 Back Squats @ 70% of your 1RM
Related to the EMOM workouts to test your strength and conditioning:
30 Minute Full-body Dumbbell EMOM
15 min EMOM:
0 -5min 3 Back Squats at 85% of your 1RM (1 repetition max)
6-10min 5 Back Squats at 75%
11-15min 10 Back Squats at 60%
20 min EMOM:
10 Burpees
10 more EMOM workouts to test your strength and conditioning
Every 2 min for 10min:
Odd min: 300m row
Even min: 1 min rest
Related to the EMOM workouts to test your strength and conditioning:
20min EMOM Conditioning Test
Every minute on the min:
Do 5 Burpees and for the rest of the minute do thruster until you accumulate 100 Thrusters.
Choose a weight that can challenge you, but it’s still doable.
10 min EMOM:
5 handstand push-ups
10 min EMOM:
Odd min: 20 Wallballs
Even min: 10 Power Snatch
Every min for 21 min alternating:
1 min: 10 double dumbbells ground to overhead
2 min: 14 cal row
3 min: 1 min rest
12 min Every min on the min alternating
1 min: 9 Front squats 30kg
2 min: 9 Push Press 30kg
3 min: 9 Thrusters 30kg
10 min EMOM:
Odd min: 15 medicine ball cleans
Even min: 10 push press
Related to the EMOM workouts to test your strength and conditioning:
Top 10 toughest bodyweight CrossFit Workouts
10min EMOM:
Odd: 15 Dumbbell Snatches
Even: 15 Burpees
Every min for 10 min:
5-7 Dips
10 Pistols
15 min EMOM:
1 min: 20 lunges
2 min: 20 sit-ups
3 min: 10 Handstand push-ups
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5 Bonus EMOM Workouts to test your strength and conditioning
Every min on the min:
Do 3 Push-Ups and the rest of the minute do snatches until you accumulate 100 snatches.
Choose a weight that can challenge you, but it’s still doable.
Every 1 min for 21 mins, alternating between:
10 x Alternating Dumbbell Snatches
12 x No Push-Up Burpees
18 x Air Squats
Related to the EMOM workouts to test your strength and conditioning:
Top 20 Dumbbell Crossfit Workouts to boost your endurance and strength
Every min on the min:
Do 5 Air Squats and for the rest of the minute do double dumbbell clean and jerks until you accumulate 60 reps.
Choose a weight that can challenge you, but it’s still doable.
Every minute for 40 minutes alternating:
– Dumbbell Power Clean
– Dips
– Plank holds for 40sec
– Single Dumbbell Overhead Hold for 20sec each hand
– Lunges
32 min EMOM alternating:
Min 1) Inverted Row x 10 reps
Min 2) Push-Ups x 15 reps
Min 3) Dumbbell Power Clean x 8 reps
Min 4) Air Squats x 25 reps
Remember that you don’t necessarily need to do the workout exactly as prescribed.
Use them as a guideline and scale and adjust everything to your level.
If you have no equipment in hand, take a look at my list of 20 bodyweight workouts that you can do from home!
There I also share some scaling options for pull-ups, pistols, and handstand push-ups, just in case you are still having a struggle with them.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are EMOMs good for conditioning?
EMOMs are a great way to improve your conditioning. The setup is simple – pick a timeframe, and a few exercises, and start working for 40 seconds each minute and rest for 20 seconds. This will build you a great conditioning base.
Is EMOM good for strength?
EMOM can be used for building your strength but is not the ideal way to increase your strength numbers. Unless you change your approach to going for a set every 3 or 4 minutes but this is an adapted EMOM approach.
Is EMOM cardio or strength?
EMOMs can be used for cardio and strength but ideally, it’s a mix of both which means that you are primarily focusing and improving your muscle endurance.
Can EMOM workouts be done for time or reps?
During EMOM workouts you can either complete a certain set of reps each minute or go for a work time of 40 seconds and a rest time of 20 seconds. (just as an example)
What about you?
- Have you done an EMOM workout before?
- Do you have a favorite?