Oh, the sweet (not really) burn that AMRAP Workouts give!
Yep, just last night I reminded myself exactly how much 20 minutes of constant movement can hurt you and simultaneously give you the endorphin fireworks.
Boy, I love the endorphin fireworks! (Even if I had to agonize on the gym floor for a good 5 minutes until I managed to get up.)
If you are unfamiliar with the term, AMRAP stands for As Many Rounds/Reps As Possible – you repeat a certain rep scheme of exercises in a given time frame as many times as you can.
This type of workout is extremely useful if you want to learn how to pace yourself and at the same time improve your endurance and stamina.
The best thing is that you can challenge yourself by repeating the workout a few weeks later and trying to beat your previous record.
Related read the CrossFit AMRAP Workouts:
20 EMOM workouts to test your strength and conditioning
A great way to track your fitness progress!
So, if you are ready for a sweaty challenge, prepare your timer and check out the 10 AMRAP workouts I’ve selected to share with you.
My 10 Favorite AMRAP Workouts
Workout #1
10 min AMRAP:
50 Double Unders (scale option: 100 single-under)
40 Air Squats
30 Kettlebell swings
20 Push-ups
10 Ring rows (TRX works too)
Workout #2
12 min AMRAP:
5 Burpees
10 Deadlifts 110lbs/50kg (scale as appropriate)
15 Box Jumps
Related read the CrossFit AMRAP Workouts:
Top 10 toughest bodyweight CrossFit Workouts
Workout #3
20 min AMRAP:
20 Overhead Squats 35lbs/15kg
20 Back Squat 35lbs/15kg
400 meter Run
Workout #4
10 min AMRAP:
7 Calories Rowing
5 Hand-release push-ups
10 Push Press 45lbs/20kg
Workout #5
12 min AMRAP:
12 Box jumps
12 Kettlebell Swings
5 More AMRAP Workouts
Workout #6
8 min AMRAP:
40 Double Unders (80 Single Unders)
4 Back squats
4 Burpees, bar-facing
Related read the CrossFit AMRAP Workouts:
Top 20 Dumbbell Crossfit Workouts to boost your endurance and strength
Workout #7
15 min AMRAP:
21 Air Squats
15 hip thrusts
9 jumping lunges (each leg)
10 min AMRAP:
30 Double Unders (60 Single Unders)
15 Wallballs
10 Kettlebell Swings
5 Burpees
Workout #9
15 min AMRAP:
5 Walkouts
10 Push-ups
20 Plank Shoulder Taps
30 Mountain Climbers
40 Single Unders
Workout #10
10 min AMRAP:
10 Jumping Jacks
10 Burpees
10 V-Ups
10 Push-Ups
As you can see, they vary in difficulty.
Some of them you can do outside the gym ( #7, #9, and #10 ), so you don’t even have the I-have-no-equipment-excuse at your disposal.
Choose the one that sounds the best to you and attack it!
Another great example of great AMRAP workouts.
View the list of AMRAP workouts you can do at home as a Google Web Story.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is an Amrap workout?
AMRAP stands for As Many Rounds/Reps As Possible – you repeat a certain rep scheme of exercises in a given time frame as many times as you can.
What are good exercises for Amrap?
You can implement any exercises done with your bodyweight, dumbbells, kettlebells, or barbells.
Is an Amrap workout better than a HIIT workout?
AMRAP workouts are extremely useful if you want to learn how to pace yourself and at the same time improve your endurance and stamina.
What is the difference between Amrap and HIIT?
During AMRAP you are on your own when it comes to pushing the pace and holding yourself accountable. During HIIT, you have a set timer for work and rest time.