Is Wearing Make Up to the Gym harmful? It has happened to most of us – we are wearing make-up to the gym when we go right after school, work, or a meeting with friends and the last thing we think about before starting our intense sweat session is taking off our make-up. Even if […]
6 Important Things Ruining Your Mood Without You Noticing It
We all have those days where nothing seems to go our way and somehow you were grumpy before even getting out of bed and everything seems to be ruining your mood. Some days our bad mood might be completely justified by obvious reasons but there are those times when we feel down without knowing why. […]
5 Sneaky Habits That Prevent You From Losing Weight (List)
Like it or not our day-to-day life is just a long sequence of habits and patterns. We get so used to doing the same things, in the same manner, every day that we sometimes don’t even realize we’re doing them. The very same thing applies to the habits that prevent you from losing weight. It’s […]
4 Absurd Gym Advice by men I had to endure during training
This article was inspired by a recent chat with a friend, during which we discovered how similar our experiences with absurd gym advice by men. And while I meant for this to be a funny article, it turned out to be more of a this-pisses-me-off-so-much article. Oh well, I hope you are able to see […]
10 Toxic Habits Destroying Your Mental Health in 2024
I’ve probably said this plenty of times already but it feels like nowadays mental health issues lurk at every corner. Can this have something to do with a sequence of toxic habits that destroy our mental health without even realizing it? I’ll take the risk of being called insensitive, but I believe society, in general, […]
What the Health: A critical viewpoint (4 Mistakes)
You’ve probably already watched it, and if not, at least heard of it – the latest screamingly pro-vegan documentary, called What the Health. It’s all over the place and, honestly, I was getting sick of seeing comments like: “The film opened my eyes and I became vegan overnight.” I know it’s an extremely sensitive topic […]