Intense 20min CrossFit Bodyweight Home Workout

Intense 20min CrossFit Bodyweight Home Workout

Importance of Bodyweight Training

Importance of Bodyweight Training

Bodyweight workouts are undoubtedly the single most convenient form of training – all you need is just some space (in many cases – not even much space).

#1. Beginner-friendly

#1. Beginner-friendly

- Bodyweight exercises are in general much less technical than weightlifting ones - Injury risks are minimal  - You’re less likely to overload your body with the initial stress of exercising

#2 Develop & Improve Technique

#2 Develop & Improve Technique

- Great to practice, develop, & improve your technique - It will allow you to safely master the form & have much more control & confidence once you start loading the movement - E.g. before deadlifts, practice the hip hinge

#3 Injury Prevention

#3 Injury Prevention

- Bodyweight exercises have a lower impact on your joints, tendons, & muscles = lower injury risk - By perfecting your form through bodyweight exercises, you are much less likely to injure yourself once you start working with weights

20min EMOM of: 8 x Jumping Squats 8 x Burpees Complete both within the same minute!

What's  the Workout?

What's  the Workout?

 Why you should warm-up: - Increases blood flow - Reduces the chance of injury - Increases range of motion - Improves performance

Never skip the Warm-Up!

Never skip the Warm-Up!

#1 Jumping Squat

#1 Jumping Squat

#1.1 Air Squat (scaling)

#1.1 Air Squat (scaling)

#2 Burpee

#2 Burpee

#2.1 No Push-Up Burpee (scaling)

#2.1 No Push-Up Burpee (scaling)

Don't skip the cooldown!

Don't skip the cooldown!

After a long workout like that make sure to have a proper cool-down to avoid injuries and give your body the time to recover

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