7 Sustainable Ways  To Lose Weight (Backed  by Science)

Is Sustainble Weight-Loss possible?

Is Sustainble Weight-Loss possible?

Yes! Sustainable weight loss doesn’t have to be complicated – just the opposite especially with the following weight loss tips for beginners.

Continued ->

According to a 2018 study from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s Gillings School of Global Public Health, 88% of Americans are metabolically unhealthy.

While there are many metabolically unhealthy people at a “normal” weight, only 5% of obese people can claim to be metabolically healthy (and that’s if we use a very loose definition for “metabolic health”).

7 Sustainable Ways  To Lose Weight (Backed  by Science)

#1 Improve  Gut Health

#1 Improve  Gut Health

 Gut health links directly to your immune system. - There’s a lot of interaction going on between the bacteria in your gut and the immune system. - Actually, around 70% of the immune system is hosted in the gut.

#2 Improve  Sleep Quality

#2 Improve  Sleep Quality

When not getting enough sleep 2 metabolic hormones controlling hunger & satiation signals – ghrelin & leptin – get disproportionally produced. The body releases more ghrelin, spiking appetite & less leptin – makes us feel less satiated.

#3 Eat More  Protein

#3 Eat More  Protein

 Proteins are essential and are the building blocks for muscle tissue, organs, bones, skin, hair, etc.  - Protein-rich meals will keep you full longer and reduce the production of the so-called “hunger hormone” ghrelin.

#4 Drink More Water

#4 Drink More Water

Hydration is essential for every single process happening in our body. It’s easy to oversee the signals of dehydration the body sends us. Symptoms of dehydration are sleepiness, brain fog, feeling hungry, dry mouth, and headache.

#5 Keep A Food Journal

#5 Keep A Food Journal

It's common to UNDERestimate the amount of food/calories we consume daily. Done right, a food journal might be your absolute best tool to achieve not just sustainable weight loss but a sustainable lifestyle change.

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Swipe up and get two more tipps on how to lose weight in a sustainable way. More details are provided to all the points mentioned before. Enjoy!