Easy but Effective Ways  To Get  Your First Push-Up

The Importance  of the Push-Up

The Importance  of the Push-Up

 Push-ups are a great way to test and improve your strength. Continued ->

The Importance  of the Push-Up

The Importance  of the Push-Up

To some extent, I feel like it is somehow assumed that it’s natural for men to practice them but that they’re not necessarily a part of a woman’s training plan or it’s just not a skill a woman must/should master.

The Importance  of the Push-Up

The Importance  of the Push-Up

I am happy to see more & more women at the gym incorporating push-ups in their programs, despite that quite often their form is far from perfect (no judgment there – I know that for the longest time my own push up sucked).

Progressions To  Your First Push-Up

#1 Plank

#1 Plank

#2 Shoulder  Taps

#2 Shoulder  Taps

#3 Incline  Push-Up

#3 Incline  Push-Up

#4 Knee  Push-Up

#4 Knee  Push-Up

#5 Negative  Push-Up

#5 Negative  Push-Up

...More Tipps & Full Instructions!

...More Tipps & Full Instructions!

Swipe up and get more tipps on how to master your push-ups. More details are provided to all the points mentioned before.