20 Sweaty & Effective Kettlebell CrossFit Workouts
You might wonder why I am such a big fan of kettlebell training. Give the following article a read & learn about the benefits of kettlebell training.
Why Do Kettlebell Workouts?
Why Do Kettlebell Workouts?
Learn more
#1 Workout
#1 Workout
For time:
150 x KB Thrusters
Movement Demo
#2 Workout
#2 Workout
reps of:
- KB Goblet Squats - KB Swings
Movement Demo
#3 Workout
#3 Workout
Death by
kettlebell swings
-> Minute 1: 1 x KB swing -> Minute 2: 2 x KB swings - -> Minute X: X KB swings
Movement Demo
#4 Workout
#4 Workout
12 min EMOM alternating:
25 x Single Arm KB Swings 25 x Single Arm KB Swings 8 x Burpee Box Jumps
Movement Demo
#5 Workout
#5 Workout
15 min EMOM alternating:
15 x Double KB Sumo Deadlifts 20 x KB Swings 15 x Double KB Sumo Deadlift High Pulls
Movement Demo
#6 Workout
#6 Workout
10 min EMOM alternating:
20 x KB Swings (even) 10 x KB Goblet Squats (odd)
Movement Demo
#7 Workout
#7 Workout
12 min AMRAP of:
4 x Single KB Clean & Press (per side) 4 x Single KB Clean & Squat (per side) 5 x Single KB Arm Swings (per side) 5 x Single KB Snatches (per side)
Movement Demo
#8 Workout
#8 Workout
30 min EMOM of:
3 x Burpee Goblet Squat 4 x KB Thruster 5 x KB Swing
Complete in the same minute
Movement Demo
#9 Workout
#9 Workout
5 Rounds for time:
15 x Kettlebell Swings 15 x Burpees
Movement Demo
#10 Workout
#10 Workout
20 min EMOM alternating:
Even min: 12/15 cal row Odd min: 15 Kettlebell swings
Movement Demo
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