10 Core Building Exercises Better Than Sit-Ups

The Importance  Of A Strong Core

The Importance  Of A Strong Core

The core comprises of a group of muscles that controls and stabilizes the pelvis and spine. A strong core: - prevents injuries - alleviates back pain - improves posture - etc.

1. Plank 2. Side Plank 3. Reverse Plank 4. Resistance Band Trunk Rotation 5. DB Unilateral carry 6. DB Overhead carry 7. V-Ups 8. Rower Pike-Ups 9. Rower Walk-Outs 10. Stability Ball Knee Tucks

10 Core Exercises

10 Core Exercises

A big portion of the popular abs exercises tends to overwork the hip flexors. If you suffer from lower back pain, it’s best to avoid them.  Luckily, there are many other ways to strengthen your abs without further harming your lower back.

When should you avoid sit-ups?

When should you avoid sit-ups?

#1 Plank

#1 Plank

The plank is an isometric exercise, meaning that it works by contracting the muscles without any movement of the body or muscle lengthening.

#2 Side Plank

#2 Side Plank

Side plank will strengthen your obliques (the side muscles of your trunk) more than anything else.

#3 Reverse Plank

#3 Reverse Plank

The reverse plank engages not just your abdominal muscles, but your glutes, hamstrings, and lower back as well (just like the standard plank).

#4 Resistance Band Trunk Rotation

#4 Resistance Band Trunk Rotation

#5 Front Rack Carry

#5 Front Rack Carry

#6 Overhead carry

#6 Overhead carry

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