Gyms are still closed in most places and people are desperately looking for ways to stay active and these 10 beginner-friendly kettlebell exercises are just another example. Bodyweight workouts are fun and all but they do get a bit boring after a while. Not to mention that you have to be continuously creative in finding […]
9 Effective Crossfit Ab Workouts for a Rock-hard six-pack
Having shredded abs has always been seen as a symbol of high-level fitness You can bet that getting a six-pack is on most gym-goers goal list. This list of Crossfit ab workouts will give you the challenge you need to strengthen your core and thus improve your overall gym performance. A strong midline is much […]
30 min Hard and Effective Full-Body Dumbbell Workout (EMOM)
Effective full-body dumbbell workouts (EMOMs) are an oddly cruel way to improve your cardiovascular endurance. And by cruel, I mean effective. I just tend to suffer through most of them. Joking aside, EMOMs are indeed an amazing way to build up your endurance and learn to pace yourself better during workouts. If you’re reading this, […]