If you haven’t been to a CrossFit gym yet, the term EMOM is probably unfamiliar to you.
EMOM stands for “Every minute on the minute” and, along with the AMRAPs, is a staple type of workout you will see in the programming of every CrossFit box.
Table of Contents
Try the following 15 CrossFit EMOM Workouts to improve conditioning and see what the hype is all about.
How does the EMOM concept work?
The concept can be described as simple and pretty straightforward.
EMOMs have different durations, typically ranging anywhere from 4 to 40 minutes.
For each scheduled minute you perform the set number of exercises and reps until the workout is over.
For example – if you finish the set number of reps within the first 40 seconds, you will have the remaining 20 seconds to rest before you move on to the next exercise.
When doing EMOM workouts you should always try to have at least 15 to 20 seconds of rest before the start of the next minute.
Example of an EMOM workout for beginners:
Why implement EMOM Workouts?
EMOM workouts can be incredibly versatile and programmed in a way that every different aspect of your fitness is targeted.
No matter if you want to work on your strength, mental toughness, condition, or even explosiveness – you can find or build an EMOM workout that will target your goals.
And never be intimidated – another big benefit is that you can always scale according to your current fitness level.
Everybody has to start somewhere.
What do you need to do an EMOM workout?
- A Timer
- A little motivation
- Some equipment like dumbbells or kettlebells (click on the links for some exercises)
- No equipment at home? No problem – there are many bodyweight exercises you can build your workout with.
For me, personally, EMOMs are a good way to improve my sense of pacing during a workout.
I am often guilty of going way too fast at the beginning of a workout, and then crashing down by the end of it.
To perform an EMOM, you must be constantly aware of your timing.
It forces you to put time and your energy resources in the same equation, and for me that makes you a better athlete.
Best 20 EMOM Workouts To Test Your Strength And Conditioning
Example: Video of an EMOM workout (turn your Adblocker off)
The Best 15 CrossFit EMOM Workouts To Improve Conditioning
Every minute for 30min alternating between:
1) Pull-Ups/ Dumbell Bend over Row
2) Air Squats
3) Side Plank (20sec each side)
4) Push-Ups
5) Dumbbell Snatch
3 Rounds: EMOM
(40 seconds work/ 20 seconds rest)
1) Dumbbell Front Squat
2) Max set of Jump Squat
3) Dumbbell Goblet Squat
4) Max set of Jumping Lunges
5) Dumbbell Split Squat – Right
6) Dumbbell Split Squat – Let
7) Kettlebell Hip Thrust
8) Banded Hamstring Curl
30min EMOM
Minute 1: Dumbbell Thrusters
Minute 2: Burpees
Minute 3: Jumping Jack
Minute 4: Dumbbell Cleans
Minute 5: DB Bent-over Row
Minute 6: Mountain climbers
Related to the The Best 15 CrossFit EMOM Workouts:
Simple and spicy 15 min AMRAP Workout
For time:
400 x Kettlebell Overhead Lunges
At the start of every minute:
Do 3 x Hand Release Push-Ups
E3MOM – Every 3 mins for 15 mins:
12 x Dumbbell Deadlifts
9 x DB Power Cleans
6 x DB Push Press
Air Squat for the remainder of the time.
15min EMOM alternating:
3 x Wall Walks
12 x Dumbbell Snatches
15 x Jump Squat
Every 1 min for 20 mins
1 x Dumbbell Bear Complex:
1 x DB Power Clean
1 x DB Front Squat
1 x DB Push Press
1 x DB Front Squat
1 x DB Push Press
EMOM 15min
Complete in 1min:
5 x Pull-Ups (or DB Bent over Row)
10 x Push-Ups
15 x Air Squats
EMOM 25min alternating:
20 x Dumbbell Deadlift
20 x Push-Up
20 x Air Squat
20 x Inverted Row
20 x V-Ups
Related to the The Best 15 CrossFit EMOM Workouts:
20 EMOM workouts to test your strength and conditioning
15min EMOM alternating between:
10 x Dumbbell Single-Leg Step-Ups
20 x Dumbbell Push-Press
15 x Burpees
20min EMOM of:
8 x Single Kettlebell Thruster
8 x Burpees
24min EMOM
(40 sec on/ 20 sec off)
1) Dumbbell Front Squat
2) Max Jump Squats
3) Dumbbell Split Squat Right
4) Dumbbell Split Squat Left
5) Max Lunges
6) Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squat Right
7) Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squat Left
8) Wall Sit
Every min for 21min alternating:
15 x Pistols
20 x Sit-Ups
15 x Push-Ups
30 min EMOM
Complete each minute:
6 x Jumping Lunges
5 x Dumbbell Thruster
5 x Kettlebell Swing
30 min EMOM alternating:
1) 16 x Pistols
2) 16 x Elevated Push-Ups
3) 12 x Dumbbell Biceps Curls to Arnold Press
4) 40 sec Plank
5) 14 x DB or Body Rows
6) 14 x Dips
Related to theThe Best 15 CrossFit EMOM Workouts:
Top 20 Dumbbell Crossfit Workouts to boost your endurance and strength
Remember that you don’t necessarily need to do the workout exactly as prescribed.
Use them as a guideline and scale and adjust everything to your level.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are EMOM workouts effective?
EMOMs are an effective way to get your daily workout in. The structure of doing movements every minute on the minute with very little rest, can push you to the limits in a very short time frame and therefore make the workout effective.
How do you score an EMOM in CrossFit?
There are two ways you can score an EMOM in CrossFit. You either combine the total number of reps of each minute or you combine the number of completed rounds.
What is the difference between EMOM and Amrap CrossFit?
The difference between EMOM and Amrap Crossfit workouts is the following. During an EMOM, you complete several exercises and reps per minute and repeat them each minute. During an Amrap, you keep working until the time runs out with the advantage of taking breaks whenever you want.
Is EMOM good for fat loss?
EMOM workouts can be good for fat loss if they are programmed the right way and up to your fitness level. However, the intensity of EMOM workouts can help you burn those calories.
Is EMOM a form of HIIT?
You can call EMOMs a form of high-intensity interval training depending on how they are programmed. But in most cases, EMOMs are designed for high-intensity.
How about you?
- Have you done an EMOM workout before?
- Do you have a favorite?