Welcome to the Simple and Brutal 25 min Bodyweight Workout.
This workout consists of 5 rounds and 5 exercises for 20 reps.
This session will involve your whole body.
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Before we start, I want to remind you to never skip your warm-up!
It’s just as important as your actual workout.
Just to give you a few important facts on why you should warm up:
- Increases blood flow
- Reduces the chance of injury
- Increases range of motion
- Improves performance
I could go on and keep rambling about the importance of warming up but I already did that in a different article. (click below to learn more)
If you feel a little more stiffness in your body after a long day of work, use this warm-up routine:
Simple and Brutal 25 min Bodyweight Workout
5 Rounds:
20 x Dumbbell Deadlift
20 x Push-Up
20 x Air Squat
20 x Inverted Row
20 x V-Ups
(click on the links for movement demonstration)
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How to approach it?
Before you start this workout, make sure to understand that you will be doing 100 reps each round and a total of 500 reps.
You will need a strategy or certain approach otherwise this workout will destroy you which is not the intent or goal at all.
I would suggest you two different approaches.
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Option 1)
If you consider yourself a well-conditioned athlete, I would suggest going for unbroken sets for as long as you can.
You should use the transitions between the exercises as rest time and be able to calm down your heart rate a little bit.
Make sure not to rush the first two rounds, it’s a long workout.
Option 2)
If you know from the beginning that you will struggle with the sets of 20 reps, make sure to split the number of reps into multiple sets.
I usually go for a rep scheme like 11/9 or 12/8 because it gives me a little bit of a mental edge since the majority of the work is done during the first set.
Make sure to take small breaks in between the sets and keep moving at a steady pace.
If you need a longer break, that is fine as well. Just pick it back up where you left off.
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How to scale it?
The first option before you scale down any of the movements is to reduce the number of reps.
You can reduce the sets of 20 reps to sets of 15 or even 10 reps.
In case you need to adjust the movement because of for example an injury, this is what I would suggest to you:
- Dumbbell Deadlift: if the weights are too much, you can go for banded good mornings or bodyweight good mornings
- Push-Up: knee push-ups would be an option here
- Air Squat: an alternative, if you are struggling to go deep in a squat, is the box air squat
- Inverted Row: an option would be the dumbell bend over row
- V-Ups: if this is too challenging, opt for a variation of the plank (30 to 40 seconds)
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After a long workout like that make sure to have a proper cool-down to avoid injuries & give your body time to recover:
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Happy Sweating!