Welcome to the Intense 900 Rep Workout Conditioning Challenge.
This is a full-body workout in the 35 to 45-minute range combining dumbbell and bodyweight exercises.
And yes, you have read it correctly – you will be performing a total of 900 reps.
In case you are curious to find out why I’m such a big fan of bodyweight, dumbbell, and kettlebell exercises, click on the links and learn about the benefits of the different exercises and what type of exercises you can actually do.
Let’s get to the workout.
Before we start, I want to remind you to never skip your warm-up!
It’s just as important as your actual workout.
Just to give you a few important facts on why you should warm up:
- Increases blood flow
- Reduces the chance of injury
- Increases range of motion
- Improves performance
I could go on and keep rambling about the importance of warming up but I already did that in a different article. (click below to learn more)
Related to the Intense 900 Rep Workout Conditioning Challenge:
30 Minute Full-body Dumbbell EMOM
If you feel a little more stiffness in your body after a long day of work, use this warm-up routine:
Intense 900 Rep Workout Conditioning Challenge
3 rounds:
20 x Pike Push-Ups
40 x Air Squats
20 x Inverted Row
40 x Sit-Ups
20 x Dips
40 x Lunges
20 x Push-Ups
40 x Russian Twist
20 x Dumbbell Deadlifts
40 x Curls
(click on the links for a movement demonstration)
Related to the Intense 900 Rep Workout Conditioning Challenge:
5 At-home Dumbbell workouts to get stronger and leaner

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How to approach it?
The workout consists of 3 rounds and a total of 900 reps.
This is a lot of reps, so before you start the workout, make sure to have a small plan on how to attack this challenge.
If you are a beginner, I would advise you not to attempt to do the full 900 reps workout but scale down the reps according to your fitness level.
You can scale the sets to 15 or even 10 reps.
Don’t hesitate to do it.
You want to have a productive training session and not destroy yourself for the rest of the week.
The two approaches I would suggest to you for this workout:
- Go unbroken on each set of exercises and take a little longer breaks in between the different exercises.
- If you have high muscle endurance and good conditioning this might be the right strategy for you.
- If you are unsure that you can sustain the number of reps unbroken, go ahead and split each set of 20 up into either two or three sets.
- I usually go for two sets of 12/8 or 11/9. This gives me a little bit of a mental edge after completing the first set because, in my mind, I have already completed the majority of the work.
Related to the Intense 900 Rep Workout Conditioning Challenge:
20 Kettlebell Crossfit workouts to push your limits
Scaling options
In case you are having trouble/pain with some of the exercises, here are some suggestions on how to work around it:
- Pike Push-Ups: an alternative for this movement would be the Arnold press or dumbbell push-press with the appropriate weight
- Air Squats: an alternative, if you are struggling to go deep in a squat, is the box air squat
- Inverted Row: an option would be the dumbell bend over row
- Sit-Ups: if you are having pain during sit-ups, opt for a variation of the plank
- Dips: an option to scale the dips or make them a little easier is to bend your legs while performing the exercise which will give you less resistance
- Lunges: an alternative that is more stable is the bodyweight split squat
- Push-Ups: knee push-ups would be an option here
- Russian Twist: as an alternative, you can put your legs on the ground which decreases the difficulty of the exercise
- Dumbbell Deadlifts if the weights are too much, you can go for banded deadlifts or bodyweight good mornings
- Curls: in case weights are too much, pick a band and do banded biceps curls
Related to the Intense 900 Rep Workout Conditioning Challenge:
20 EMOM workouts to test your strength and conditioning
After a long Intense 900 Rep Workout Conditioning Challenge like that make sure to have a proper cool down to avoid injuries & give your body the time to recover.
Related to the Intense 900 Rep Workout Conditioning Challenge:
20 Bodyweight Crossfit workouts to do anywhere
Happy Sweating!