Welcome to the 20min Single Kettlebell CrossFit Workout. The following workout will be quite a good conditioning test and is set up as an EMOM. What is an EMOM? It consists of two movements combining bodyweight and kettlebell exercises. What can you expect from this training session? The whole duration is around 35 minutes if […]
Simple and Effective 40min CrossFit Workout (with Guide)
Welcome to the simple and effective 40min CrossFit Workout. This training session consists of four exercises combining dumbbell and bodyweight exercises. The format is quite interesting because the workout consists of 5 rounds and in each round, you will add 10 reps to each of the exercises. What else can you expect from this training […]
Brutal 24min Dumbbell Leg Workout (with a cardio finisher)
Welcome to the brutal 24min Dumbbell Leg Workout. This time we are focusing on our legs with a little bit of a bodybuilding style workout and end our session with an intense full-body finisher. Warm-Up Before we start, I want to remind you to never skip your warm-up! It’s just as important as your actual workout. […]
Truly Tough 20min CrossFit Open Dumbbell Workout (Guide)
Welcome to the Tough 20min CrossFit Open Dumbbell Workout. This couplet is an adjusted workout of the Crossfit Open 17.1. It involves two movements and you will only need a dumbbell. What can you expect from this workout? The total duration of this training session is around 35 to 40 minutes including a proper warm-up […]
Simple and Effective 20min CrossFit AMRAP Workout (Guide)
Welcome to the Simple and Effective 20min CrossFit AMRAP workout. This workout consists of three movements combining bodyweight and dumbbell movements. In case you are curious to find out why I’m such a big fan of bodyweight, dumbbell, and kettlebell exercises, click on the links and learn about the benefits of the different exercises and what type of exercises you […]
Challenging 25min CrossFit Bodyweight Workout (with Guide)
Welcome to the Challenging 25min CrossFit Bodyweight Workout. As it already says in the title, this training session is all about your bodyweight movement. You will start with one exercise and add each round one new bodyweight exercise. What can you expect from this workout? The total duration is about 35 to 45 min including […]