Today’s HIIT and strength dumbbell workout is a great solution for whenever you’re short on time but still wanna get an intense workout done.
The HIIT and Strength Dumbbell workout will not only help you burn some calories but put on some muscle as well.
What is HIIT?
High-Intensity Interval Training means that you have a workout that has short periods of work where you’re supposed to go “all-out” followed by short periods of rest before you need to repeat the exercise again or move to the next one.
What are the benefits of HIIT?
HIIT is your best friend if you want to improve your endurance, increase muscle definition, and burn a significant amount of calories in a short amount of time. Quite efficient!
Furthermore, research suggests that HIIT workouts can improve your heart health and regulate blood pressure.
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HIIT vs. Cardio
Well, by cardio people most commonly mean a steady pace activity done for longer periods of time (e.g. long, low-pace run).
HIIT is, in fact, a type of cardiovascular training as well! The difference is not only in the duration but, as the name suggests, in the intensity.
HIIT aims to spike your heart rate quickly and keep you breathless for the entire work period, thus burning more calories in a shorter amount of time.
Don’t get me wrong – both forms of cardio have their advantages and disadvantages!
It’s a matter of preference. I, for once, enjoy both. But if you’re short of time, then HIIT is the clear winner.
The workout I have for you today is the best of both worlds – strength, and endurance. I mean – why not? Let’s push that efficiency perk even further!
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Benefits of strength training
There are numerous benefits to strength/resistance training!
Did you know that as women age they start losing bone density not only at an earlier age than men but at a faster rate as well?
As a result, women over the age of 50 have a 4 times higher rate of osteoporosis than men!
I don’t know about you, but that sounds incredibly alarming to me!
The good news is that we can do something about it and prevent it!
The answer is – strength and resistance training. Yes, it’s not just about looks, muscle definition, and so on, it’s about health and life quality.
And this is just one of many reasons to lift some heavy weights.
Workouts like this HIIT and Strength Dumbbell Workout:
Legs and Glutes Dumbbell Workout
Before we start, I want to remind you to never skip your warm-up!
It’s just as important as your actual workout.
Just to give you a few important facts on why you should warm-up:
- Increases blood flow
- Reduces the chance of injury
- Increases range of motion
- Improves performance
I could go on and keep rambling about the importance of warming up but I already did that in a different article. (click below to learn more)
If you feel a little more stiffness in your body after a long day of work, use this warm-up routine:
20min Effective HIIT and Strength Dumbbell Workout

For this workout, you’ll need a set of light to moderately heavy set of dumbbells (I had 5kg/11lbs at hand).
Ideally, a resistance band too.
They are a great little tool to add extra resistance and variety to your workouts.
If you don’t have any yet, you might like some here.
- Deadlift + Row
- Lunge + Press (one round per leg)
- Plank Elbows to Hands + Push up
- Glute Bridge with resistance band
- Squat + Shoulder raises
- Burpee without a push-up
How to perform
Do the workouts for 3 rounds in the following interval scheme:
1st round: 45sec work/15sec rest
2nd round: 40sec work/20sec rest
3rd round: 35sec work/25sec rest
Workouts like this HIIT and Strength Dumbbell Workout:
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Deadlift + Row
Lunge + Press (one round per leg)
Workouts like this HIIT and Strength Dumbbell Workout:
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Plank Elbows to Hands + Push up
Glute Bridge with resistance band
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Squat + Shoulder raises
Burpee without a push-up
Workouts like this HIIT and Strength Dumbbell Workout:
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After a long workout like that make sure to have a proper cool-down to avoid injuries and give your body the time to recover:
There you have it!
It was quite sweaty, I can guarantee you that!
Let me know if you give it a try!
Frequently Asked Questiions
Can I do strength training and HIIT together?
Yes – you can do strength training and HIIT together. Usually, you will do a strength session which is followed by a HIIT session to work on your conditioning.
Can you build muscle with dumbbell HIIT?
HIIT is your best friend if you want to improve your endurance, increase muscle definition, and burn a significant amount of calories in a short amount of time
What is a HIIT workout with dumbbells?
High-Intensity Interval Training with dumbbells means that you have a workout that has short periods of work where you’re supposed to go “all-out” followed by short periods of rest before you need to repeat the exercise again or move to the next one.