Welcome to the 600 Rep Full Body Workout CrossFit Challenge.
Yes – you read it correctly, 600 reps.
Compared to this challenge, which mostly had only bodyweight movements programmed, we are going to add a lot more tools to this challenge.
I hope you have some dumbbells & kettlebells at home because you will need them.
In case you are curious to find out why I’m such a big fan of bodyweight, dumbbell, and kettlebell exercises, click on the links and learn about the benefits of the different exercises and what type of exercises you can actually do.
Let’s start with the challenge.
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Before we start, I want to remind you to never skip your warm-up!
It’s just as important as your actual workout.
Just to give you a few important facts on why you should warm up:
- Increases blood flow
- Reduces the chance of injury
- Increases range of motion
- Improves performance
I could go on and keep rambling about the importance of warming up but I already did that in a different article. (click below to learn more)
If you feel a little more stiffness in your body after a long day of work, use this warm-up routine:
600 Rep Full Body Workout CrossFit Challenge
3 rounds:
20 x Pike Push-Ups
20 x Pistols
20 x Pull-Ups
20 x V-Ups
20 x Close Grip Push-Ups
20 x Dumbbell Front Squats
20 x Dips
20 x Kettlebell Russian Twist
20 x Dumbbell Split Squat
20 x Dumbell Deadlift + Row
(Click on the links to see a movement demonstration)
Related workouts to the 600 Rep Full Body Workout CrossFit Challenge:
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Related workouts to the 600 Rep Full Body Workout CrossFit Challenge:
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How to approach it?
This challenge will give your condition a tough test, let me tell you that.
Before you start this challenge, please be honest with yourself and your fitness level.
Just like I mentioned at the beginning of this article, you will perform 600 reps.
Build a little strategy in your head before you start and adapt it when needed.
For example:
- you could start off with doing all 20 reps of each movement at once and break in between the movements (you will probably be faster that way if you don’t rest for too long) or
- you can break up the 20 reps of each movement into sets of 12/8 or 10/10, whatever feels better for you – that way you would remain fresher and at the same time limit your rest time.
When I break up my sets, I usually break them up into sets of 12/8 because that kind of plays a little trick on my mind by giving me the feeling that I have done the majority of the work.
In the end, stay flexible with your plan and adjust according to how you feel throughout the challenge.
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Scaling options
The very first option to scale the workout would be to cut down the reps.
You can either go down to 18/15/12 or 10 reps – scale it according to your fitness level and be honest with yourself to avoid feeling destroyed after this challenge.
If you are struggling with some of the movements due to for example an injury, here are some suggestions on how to work around it:
- Pike Push-Up: an alternative for this movement would be the Arnold press or dumbbell push-press with the appropriate weight
- Pistols: you switch to either the regular split squat or the reverse lunge
- Pull-Ups: the inverted row would be an option here or the dumbell bend over row
- V-Ups: you could opt for scissors or regular sit-ups
- Close-Grip Push-Ups: a regular push-up or even knee push-ups would be an option here
- DB Front Squats: if the weight is too much, opt for some air squats
- Dips: an option to scale the dips or make them a little easier is to bend your legs while performing the exercise which will give you less resistance
- KB Russian Twist: to make the Russian twist a little easier is to let the legs rest on the floor or just perform the exercises without the weight
- DB Split Squat: an option would be to get rid of the dumbbells and do the regular split squat
- DB Deadlift + Row: if the weight is too much, opt for some bodyweight good mornings
(click on the links for movement demonstration)
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After you finished the training session, make sure to have a proper cool-down to avoid injuries & give your body time to recover:
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