CBD oil gained a LOT of momentum recently and for a good reason.
Research shows that it has a wide array of health benefits – from pain relief to fighting inflammation and mood improvement.
With such big promises, it definitely sparked my interest and made me dig deeper into the topic.
It didn’t take long until we ordered our first bottle and 6 months later I want to share my CBD oil experience with you.
Of course, as with most supplements on the market, you better do your research first and make sure you get the highest quality product you can with the least amount of filler ingredients.
But let me give you some more information first.
What is CBD?
Cannabidiol (better known as CBD) is one of the over 100 cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant.
Is CBD psychoactive?
Unlike Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is the main psychoactive cannabinoid found in the plant (which makes you feel “high”), CBD isn’t psychoactive.
How is CBD oil made?
It’s made by extracting CBD from the cannabis plant and diluting it with a carrier oil like coconut or hemp seed oil.
My CBD Oil Experience

CBD oil and sleep
I’ve never been great with sleep so, naturally, the promise of improved sleep quality was the biggest selling point for me.
It would usually take me forever to fall asleep (sometimes hours) and once I did, it would be a very light sleep and I would wake up from the smallest disturbance.
After all, I read about CBD oil my hopes were running high and fortunately I was not disappointed.
I believe it took me just a few nights to notice that not only was I falling asleep much faster and easier, but I also slept deeper.
I would sleep for the same amount of hours but wake up fresher and more rested than before.
Getting good quality sleep on a regular basis leads to better concentration, more energy throughout the day, stable hormone balance, less junk food cravings, and faster (athletic) recovery.
I experienced all that first-hand and it’s no exaggeration to say that it’s truly life-changing.
In fact, Rafael and I were so happy with it, that we actually supplied both of our families with a bottle of CBD oil.
They all had a similar CBD oil experience – deeper and more restful sleep.
Related read to my CBD oil experience:
10 toxic habits that destroy your mental health
CBD oil and recovery
In all honesty, I can’t really testify to how big of a change CBD oil made on its own regarding athletic recovery.
It’s hard to judge the contribution factor given that recovery has rapidly climbed up the importance ladder for me and I’ve made quite a few changes in my routines.
But related to my previous point – just the fact that I sleep so much better now thanks to it, made one of the biggest differences in my energy levels and overall well-being.
As for Rafael, he is firm of the opinion that since taking CBD oil he is recovering faster.
Related read to my CBD oil experience:
Morning routine for success, health & happiness
CBD oil and anxiety/stress
Having a peaceful mind is priceless, especially in today’s world. It seems like almost everyone I talk to now experiences anxiety (since anxiety comes in many shapes and forms) at one point or another.
I include myself here.
Nothing worse than a constant stream of worry-filled thoughts that either don’t let you fall asleep or just frustrate you to the point that you can’t do anything productive anymore.
Now, managing and dealing with stress and anxiety is a VERY extensive topic and there are SO many ways to tackle it,
I wrote more about it HERE.
But to be specific and stay on topic – CBD oil definitely helped me get rid of irrational thinking patterns and reduce all the negative effects of stress.
If you’re interested to read up more on the topic and how CBD oil can improve various brain diseases and emotional problems like depression, post-traumatic stress, Alzheimer’s, etc check out this article in Depression Alliance in addition to my CBD oil experience.
Related read to my CBD oil experience:
How to sleep better (even when you have anxiety)
Final thoughts
I think by now it’s clear that I would wholeheartedly recommend JIBE CBD.
We started out with a German CDB oil company but switched and have been using it for a little over 6 months now and loved it so much that we even got our parents and siblings using it.
If my CBD oil experience hasn’t convinced you yet, here is why you should consider Pure Relief CBD.
Why should you use JIBE CBD?
Their product stands out because…
– offering a variety of CBD products including CBD oils, topicals, and cremes
– CBD is formulated by certified pharmacists using all-natural ingredients and is extracted using CO2 extraction
– CBD Oil tastes quite pleasant
– CBD oil features a light, natural flavor that is enjoyable with quickly delivered noticeable effects
– they are not using any GMOs
– they are 3rd Party tested for purity
– high-quality product for a fair price
Potential benefits
(varies from person to person)
– Natural anti-inflammatory and pain reliever
– Improves your body’s physical, mental, and emotional response to stress
– Assists in creating homeostasis, the #1 disease preventative
– Reduce anxiety, depression, and tension
– Improve sleep quality
– Reduce muscle pain
– Reduce blood sugar levels
– and many more.
If you are still not convinced if you should give CBD oil a try, ask yourself this:
- Do you have a hard time falling asleep?
- Do you have a poor quality of sleep?
- Are you under a lot of stress?
- Are you an athlete who wants to speed up his recovery?
- Do you suffer from chronic pain?
If you answered any of the above questions with YES, then CBD oil might be just the solution you’re looking for.
If you are on the path of trying to improve your habits, sleep & morning routine in general, you should give the following articles a read: