Welcome to the 36min Hard Bodybuilding EMOM workout with a free finisher.
The following workout will combine many variations of the deadlift combined with some upper-body work.
What can you expect from this session?
- The whole training session will take around 45 to 60 minutes if you include a proper warm-up and cool-down.
- Your glutes and hamstring will be on fire, I promise you that.
- The finisher will give you a nice conditioning piece to push yourself.
- The whole training session is a good combination of traditional bodybuilding work and some functional movements with some intensity.
Let’s get to the session.
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Before we start, I want to remind you to never skip your warm-up!
It’s just as important as your actual workout.
Just to give you a few important facts on why you should warm up:
- Increases blood flow
- Reduces the chance of injury
- Increases range of motion
- Improves performance
I could go on and keep rambling about the importance of warming up but I already did that in a different article. (click below to learn more)
Related to the 36min Hard Bodybuilding EMOM Workout:
20 EMOM workouts to test your strength and conditioning
If you feel a little more stiffness in your body after a long day of work, use this warm-up routine:
36min Hard Bodybuilding EMOM workout
36min EMOM alternating
(40 seconds work / 20 seconds rest)
1) Dumbbell Staggered Deadlift – Right
2) Dumbbell Staggered Deadlift – Left
3) Max Dumbbell Deadlifts in 40 seconds
4) Dumbbell Hammer Curls
5) Max Inverted Rows in 40 seconds
6) Dumbbell Single-Leg Deadlift – Right
7) Dumbbell Single-Leg Deadlift – Left
8) Max Dumbbell Sumo Deadlifts in 40 seconds
9) Dumbbell Biceps Curls
10) Max Dumbbell Rows in 40 seconds
11) Kettlebell Good Mornings
12) Single Dumbbell Curl
Followed by a finisher
7 min AMRAP
(as many reps as possible)
10 Dumbbell Power Cleans
10 reps Burpees
(click on the links for a movement demonstration)
Related to the 36min Hard Bodybuilding EMOM Workout:
Top 10 toughest bodyweight CrossFit Workouts

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Related to the 36min Hard Bodybuilding EMOM Workout:
20 Bodyweight Crossfit workouts to do anywhere
How to approach it?
The bodybuilding workout is an EMOM workout. (What is an EMOM?)
You will work for 40 seconds and rest for 20 seconds.
If you don’t know how many reps you will be able to do within 40 seconds, make sure to use the first of three rounds as a baseline.
Whatever number of reps you will get during the first round, try to keep that number throughout the next two rounds as well.
The 20 seconds rest should give you enough time to have a decent break and move from exercise to exercise.
If you feel like you are falling off your initial pace from the first rounds, don’t be afraid to scale down the reps from the previous round.
In case you don’t want to watch the time at all times, make sure to set up a running clock that gives you a sound signal when the next minute of work starts.
Related to the 36min Hard Bodybuilding EMOM Workout:
Top 20 Dumbbell Crossfit Workouts to boost your endurance and strength
After a long workout like that make sure to have a proper cool-down to avoid injuries & give your body time to recover:
Related to the 36min Hard Bodybuilding EMOM Workout:
5 At-home Dumbbell workouts to get stronger and leaner
Happy Sweating!