Welcome to the 20min Single Kettlebell CrossFit Workout.
The following workout will be quite a good conditioning test and is set up as an EMOM.
What is an EMOM?
It consists of two movements combining bodyweight and kettlebell exercises.
What can you expect from this training session?
- The whole duration is around 35 minutes if you include a warm-up and cool-down.
- Besides the physical challenge, this workout really tests your mental strength and will.
- All you need for this workout is one kettlebell or dumbbell.
Let’s get to the workout.
Related to the 20min Single Kettlebell CrossFit Workout:
20 EMOM workouts to test your strength and conditioning
Before we start, I want to remind you to never skip your warm-up!
It’s just as important as your actual workout.
Just to give you a few important facts on why you should warm up:
- Increases blood flow
- Reduces the chance of injury
- Increases range of motion
- Improves performance
I could go on and keep rambling about the importance of warming up but I already did that in a different article. (click below to learn more)
If you feel a little more stiffness in your body after a long day of work, use this warm-up routine:
20min Single Kettlebell CrossFit Workout
20min EMOM of:
8 x Single Kettlebell Thruster
8 x Burpees
Both movements need to be completed within the same minute.
(click on the links for movement demonstration)
Related to the 20min Single Kettlebell CrossFit Workout:
20 Kettlebell Crossfit workouts to push your limits

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How to approach it?
This workout is all about your strategy and yes, you saw it correctly.
Both movements have to be completed within one minute.
Yes – you saw it correctly.
You have to complete both movements in one minute.
Don’t make the mistake to underestimate this workout because it might feel “easy” in the beginning.
Things get really intense when you get past the first 10 minutes.
My suggestion for a strategy here is quite simple.
Make sure to finish the kettlebell thrusters as fast as possible.
Treat them like a “sprint” and then try to “cruise” through the burpees.
Ideally, you are able to catch your breath, pace, and maybe even recover during the burpees.
A good time to finish all 16 reps is around 40 to 45 seconds which will give you 15 to 20 seconds of rest time between the rounds.
The good thing – the number of reps doesn’t increase, and the bad thing – you have to push yourself for 20 minutes.
Make sure to maintain a positive mindset, especially during the later rounds otherwise this challenge will become quite overwhelming.
Related to the 20min Single Kettlebell CrossFit Workout:
5 At-home Dumbbell workouts to get stronger and leaner
How to scale it?
Before you scale the movements, make sure to play with the number of reps first.
If you notice that you can’t complete the 16 reps within 45 seconds, reduce the number of reps for both exercises by 1 rep.
If you still struggle, go down by 2 reps until you can manage.
In case you need to adjust the movement because of for example an injury, this is what I would suggest to you:
- Single Kettlebell Thruster: a good alternative would be the jump squat or the reguar air squat
- Burpees: If regular burpees are too much for you, you can opt for the “no push-up” burpee.
(click on the links for movement demonstration)
Related to the 20min Single Kettlebell CrossFit Workout:
30 Minute Full-body Dumbbell EMOM
After a long workout like that make sure to have a proper cool-down to avoid injuries & give your body time to recover:
Related to the 20min Single Kettlebell CrossFit Workout:
20 Bodyweight Crossfit workouts to do anywhere
Happy Sweating!